What’s in Cams Survival Kit?

Media 5
Published: October 14, 2024

Recently, Cam, the Youth Lived Experience Advisor at EaseUp, hosted a workshop for the EaseUp Central team focused on creating Survival Kits for mental wellbeing.

The survival kit had a list of what needed to be in the box and on the table was many options so each team member could pick out what would suit them. Cam shared the purpose behind this workshop was simple but powerful: "You can't pour from an empty cup." Cam emphasized the importance of kaimahi taking care of themselves first, so they’re better equipped to support others.

Staff Survival Kit

What’s in Cams Survival Kit?

Each kit included practical and thoughtful items like a pen, highlighter, notepad, coffee sachet, chocolate, fidget toys, face wipes, and some inspiring quotes. These small items serve as gentle reminders for kaimahi to pause, recharge, and take time for themselves

The team also decorated their own boxes! Check out their amazing work!